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Homeless Assistance

What is McKinney-Vento Assistance and Services?

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act was authorized by Congress in December 2001 as part of the No Child Left Behind Legislation. The purpose of the Act is to remove barriers to education for homeless/transitional students and provide educational support and stability.

The goal of the Peninsula School District's McKinney-Vento Program is to keep all students in school. We also want to assist families in staying involved in their children's education and reducing risks they may face. Peninsula School District’s Student Services Department can provide information to assist students who find themselves in temporary or transitional housing during the school year.

Who is eligible for McKinney-Vento Assistance and Services?

Any child or youth, including migrant and unaccompanied youth, who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence is considered homeless and McKinney-Vento eligible for assistance and services. This includes children and youth who are temporarily sharing housing with others due to loss of housing or economic hardship, plus those living in hotels, camping grounds, emergency shelters, cars, bus or train stations, and those awaiting foster care or are in temporary placements. 

If you have a student/child who may qualify for McKinney-Vento services or would like more information, please contact your school counselor or Becky Maffei at 253-530-1078.

The Peninsula School District can provide assistance with:

  • Maintaining attendance at the school of origin, or current school, for the remainder of the current school year (if this is in the child's best interest and feasible) or enroll in the neighborhood school where he/she is currently residing.
  • Transportation assistance if needed.
  • Free food services.
  • Appropriate support programs for which they are eligible, such as gifted, children with disabilities, vocational education, and preschool.
  • Assistance in obtaining records and documentation.
  • Academic assistance through the district's federally funded Title I program.
  • Parent or guardian involvement in school activities.

The school must immediately enroll your child even if you can’t produce the records they need right away. Proof of residency is not required for enrollment of homeless children. However, the school will need an address or some way to contact you. Records will help schools better serve you and your children.

When you move, you should do the following:

  • Contact the school district’s local liaison for homeless education for help in enrolling your child in a new school or arranging for your child to continue in his or her former school. (Or someone at a shelter, social services office, or the school can direct you to the person you need to contact.)
  • Contact the school and provide any information you think will assist the teachers in helping your child adjust to new circumstances.
  • Ask the local liaison for homeless education, the shelter provider, or a social worker for assistance with clothing and supplies, if needed.


Links to Additional Resources: 

OSPI: Resources

Housing Questionnaire: English
Cuestionario sobre la vivienda del estudiante

Dispute Resolution Policy

Українська політика вирішення спорів

Peninsula School District Dispute Resolution Form

Українська форма вирішення спорів
Mẫu Đơn Giải Quyết Tranh Chấp Tiếng Việt 
Российская форма разрешения споров


 Peninsula School District’s Free and Reduced Meals Form

If you need further assistance, call the National Center for Homeless Education at the toll-free Helpline number: 1-(800) 308-2145

Links to Additional Outside Resources:

Associated Ministries Access Point 4 Housing  
Access Point for Housing Flyer
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program
Tacoma Pierce County Coalition to End Homelessness
OSPI Homeless Education
National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth
National Center for Homeless Education
SchoolHouse Connection